IAMGICC's Podcast
Pastors Timothy and Joyce Asabor are the founders of I AM Ministries and overseeing pastors at Glory International Christian Center (GICC)I AM Ministries exist to teach the practicality of everyday living using the word of God. We are called to bring God's presence to His people and bring people to His presence. We are called to win souls (converts) to the Lord and lead such converts to the place where they operate proficiently in the biblical principles of faith, love, healing, prosperity, redemption, and righteousness, and to the place where they can share those principles with others.GICC is an international and transcultural place of worship of God through Jesus Christ our Lord for people of all races, ethnicities, cultures and nations.Over the years, we have and continue to minister the gospel of Jesus Christ locally, nationally and internationally; support the elderly and the activities of our various church based ministries.